Athenree Hotsprings and Holiday Park


1 Athenree Road, Athenree
Waihi Beach

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Athenree Hot Springs and Holiday Park. Your Family Park of Choice. Between Waihi Beach and the Tauranga Harbour, our friendly holiday park is renowned for its Hot Mineral Pools, great welcome, its fun atmosphere and its fastidiously clean facilities.
Relaxing Thermal pools, come for a soak. Burger and Mexican food Caravan trading Saturday and Sunday evenings
Treat yourself to a soak in the Athenree Hot Springs’ wonderful hot pools.
This great facility also offers accommodation — motels, chalets, cabins powered and non powered camping sites at very affordable rates that also gives you free access to the pools, open daily from 830am to 7.30pm to our guests.
Our thermal pools are also open to the public for a fee between 10am and 7.30pm daily. There are two natural mineral pools that are fed from an underground aquifer 250 meters below ground. The water is pumped constantly so pools are replenished every few hours, there are no chemicals and our pools are very easy to access. The pools are also emptied and cleaned daily.
Take the whole family camping for a few days or just pop in for an amazingly refreshing dip. — fun for all the family.
Enjoy the happy atmosphere of this wonderful holiday park now owned by Peter Church and Belinda Rixon-Church who have already started on a number of small upgrades to the parks facilities to further enhance this great family facility.
Watch for Athenree Hot Springs and Holiday Park signs on SH2 or come via the Waihi Beach village.